Hollywood Arts

Before losing the rights to The Gems: A Magical Adventure, 4Kids TV did a version of the show, in which plot changes and edits were made, differentiating it from the original. These edits are listed by season and order of appearance.

Nickelodeon is now officially affiliated with Magic Mirrors under Teenage Dreams.

Voice Actors (4Kids)[]

Season 1[]

Diamond's Destiny[]

Scene: "Opening".

Diamond: Dad! I'm back! Open the door, please.
Roy: [Opens the door.] So did you enjoy your ride?
Neressa: [Opens the door and walks to them.] Diamond, you're back!
Diamond: Oh hey mum! So what am I suppose to do? Any work?
Neressa: Yeah. Come help me at the kitchen.
Diamond: Um… [Looks at the wall clock.] I think I'd prefer going back to the park.
Neressa: We got special news this Spring!
Diamond: A holiday? I'm sick of going to the beach!
Roy: [Sad face.] Sorry. We planned to take you to L.A., but we just don't have that money. Money doesn't go from trees, sweetie.
Diamond: [Frustrated.] I wish it would grow from trees. Sorry but, have to rush! Really need my mind to be open-minded. [Opens the door and runs away.]
Roy: I wonder if she's frustrated. [Shrugs.]
Neressa: She is frustrated.

Scene: "Opening".

Girl (revealed as Diamond): Dad! It's me. Open up the door!
Roy: [Opens up the door.] Diamond, finally! I've been waiting for you to come back. [Diamond enters the house. Roy closes the door.]
Neressa: [Opens the door and walks inside.] Hi, guys! How's it going?
Diamond: I just got back, mum. [Looks at Neressa.]
Neressa: Oh. Well, I'm preparing tea. Diamond, wanna help?
Diamond: Sorry, mum but I'm not in the mood… [Looks at the wall clock.] right now. Later!
Neressa: Diamond, I got special news this Spring for the holidays!
Diamond: Are we going on a holiday, mum? Dad?
Roy: Sorry, sweetie. [Sad face.] We don't have any money to effort. We planned to take you to L.A, but, money doesn't grow from trees.
Diamond: [Frustrated.] Oh, it's okay. I don't mind spending time here as long as I'm with you guys. And, mum, dad, sorry, I know I just got here, but… gotta rush to the park! [Opens the door, runs away.]
Roy: I thinks she's frustrated. [Shrugs.]
Neressa: She already is.

Party Crasher[]

Scene: "The Witches' Attack"

Diamond: Liana! Finally you're here!
Liana: What's the news? [Diamond points to the three witches.] Let's get the others!
Sugar: [Arrives with Daphne and Emerald.] What? What's the chaos? I've never seen you two looking worried.
Liana: Them! [Points to the three witches flying to them.]
Daphne: Trouble!
Emerald: Then they pick on the wrong fairies! Basic! [Transforms Basic with the others.]
Witch #2: Your pesky little powers aren't gonna stop us!
Diamond: That's right! Fire Arrow! [Blasts.]
Liana: Water Corpse! [Blasts.]
Witch #1: [Receives the power.] The more the attacking the more powerful I get!
Headmistress Ara: All together, fairies!
Sugar: Air Ray! [Blasts with Liana and Diamond.]
Daphne: The Flower Power! [Blasts with Emerald and the witches disappear.]
Emerald: They are definitely wrong!
Diamond: Then let me seek your revenge!
Emerald: Do it now, Diamond!
Sugar: They destroyed this prom-party and they must suffer! Make sure to get them!


Diamond: Liana! I'm glad your here!
Liana: What happened? [Diamond points to the three witches.] Let's get the others!
Sugar: [Arrives with Daphne and Emerald.] What? What's the rush? I see you two look worried.
Liana: Them! [Points to the three witches flying to them.]
Daphne: Oh no!
Emerald: We better transform! Basic! [Transforms Basic with the others.]
Witch #2: Your pesky little powers aren't gonna stop us!
Diamond: You're wrong! Fire Arrow! [Blasts.]
Liana: Water Corpse! [Blasts.]
Witch #1: [Receives the power.] More you blast, the powerful I get!
Headmistress Ara: All together, fairies!
Sugar: Air Ray! [Blasts with Liana and Diamond.]
Daphne: Flower Power! [Blasts with Emerald and the witches disappear.]
Emerald: They are so wrong!
Diamond: Then let me seek revenge!
Emerald: Thank you Diamond!
Sugar: Get them! They destroyed this prom-party and they must suffer!

Scene: "Diamond's Revenge"

Diamond: Witches, come out! [Transforms.] You three are going down! [The witches appear and blasts Diamond.]
Witch #3: [Blasts Diamond.] you pathetic fairy!
Diamond: This revenge is from me and my friends! [Blasts.]
Witch #1: [Blasts and kidnaps Diamond, witch #2 creates a spell and Diamond disappears.]


Diamond: Witches, come out! [Transforms.] I am gonna kill you three! [The witches appear and blasts Diamond.]
Witch #3: [Blasts Diamond.] You pathetic fairy!
Diamond: You three are pathetic! [Blasts.]
Witch #1: [Blasts and kidnaps Diamond, witch #2 creates a spell and Diamond disappears.]

Season 2[]

Coming soon...


  • 4Kids owned the show until 2012; season 4.
  • 4Kids was originally planned not to change the scripts, but later, they changed the scripts.
  • 4Kids had an interview with the show.
    • They stated that of they renew the license and renew season 5 and 6, Nina would be voiced by Malese Jow and Iris would be voiced by Mae Whitman.
  • The Gems: A Magical Adventure was almost to be bought by Nickelodeon, but the director declined Nick's request because the director disliked the "horrible" major changes they did to Winx Club.